Sunday, January 11, 2009

"I remember when"

This friday in class we watched a movie called "i remember when" it was about kids who have been affected by the way that technology has evolved around them. While it is a scary thought to think about how much things can change in just a couple of years it was also interesting and enlightening to realize that things are constantly changing. I remember when i was young there was no DVDs, and no iPods, but it wasn't a big deal to us then because we didnt know that these things like iPods would ever exist. What matters in this video is that things can always change, it could be a small change like getting a newer iPod, or it could be a huge change, like a revolutionary cure to cancer or something like that. This relates to the me because i have to change the world and this video makes me think that there are infinate ways to change the world, ways i can do it, and people to help. This relates to the world because it shows that even in impoverish places in the world there is always hope and there will always be someone somewhere that is trying to help you.

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